Erum Waheed

Erum has also acted as a representative of the Free Representation Unit in the areas of Employment, Criminal Injuries Compensation Board appeals and Immigration since 1995.
His interests include 20th century history, motorcycling, The Meriden Triumph Motorcycle Co-operative, current affairs, cinema and sports.
He currently practices in the areas of immigration, judicial and statutory review and administrative law.
Notable cases
- R -v- IAT ex parte Bolanos [1999] Imm AR 350 (family as a particular social group within the Refugee Convention)
- Sajfudinov -v- SSHD[2001] EWCA Civ 945 (Croatian Serbs and refugee status)
- The Queen o/a Ndjovu -v- ECO [2001] EWHC Admin259 (construction of Home Office policy concerning the ill in removal cases)
- The Queen o/a Berisha -v- SSHD [2002] EWHC 1526 (Admin) (definition of internal flight alternative in Refugee Convention)
- Stojanovski -v- SSHD [2002] UKIAT 3308, SSHD -v- Skrielj [2002] UKIAT 7047 (Macedonian prison conditions in breach of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights)
- Koci -v- SSHD EWCA [2003] Civ 1507 (Albanian blood feud victims and reversal of findings of background fact of an immigration adjudicator)
- SSHD-v-A (Iraq) [2003] UKIAT 148 (reversal of findings of fact of an immigration adjudicator)
- AN (ELF-RC – low level members – risk) Eritrea CG [2004] UKIAT 00300
- Ndlovu -v- SSHD [2004] EWCACiv1567 (Zimbabwean refugee status and the establishment of errors of law within an immigration adjudicator’s decision)
- The Queen o/a Zeqaj -v- SSHD [2004] EWHC 1919 (Admin) (SSHD policy, delay and Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights)
- The Queen o/a Taskale -v- SSHD [2006] EWHC 712 (Admin) (Turkish EEA Association Agreement and allegations of fraud)
- The Queen o/a Nzumvira -v- SSHD CO/7476/2007 (fraternal relationship constitutes family life under Article 8 of European Convention on Human Rights)
- Eftimie-Rusu -v- SSHD 00 TH 02055 (‘per se’ refugee status of Romanian Roma)
- Hazrizaj -v- SSHD 01 TH 1332 (‘per se’ refugee status of Kosovan Roma)
- EN (abandonment – first decision nullity– Devaseelan applied) Cameroon [2005] UKAIT 00146
- RM (Zimbabwe) -v- SSHD [2011] EWCA Civ 428 (Zimbabwean refugee status and the establishment of errors of law within an immigration judge’s decision)
- PT (Sri Lanka) v Entry Clearance Officer , Chennai [2016] EWCA Civ 61 (Article 8 family life and adult children)
- Obeng v SSHD UI-2023-004956 (Delay in promulgation affecting witness assessment)
- BYW v SSHD UI-2023-002844 (Internal relocation and sufficiency of protection unavailable for female Chinese trafficking victim)
- ‘We would not wish to part from this case without recording our appreciation to Mr Waheed for the clear, comprehensive and yet moderate way in which he put his case both in writing and orally.’ Deputy President Immigration Appeals Tribunal.
- ‘…Mr Waheed has been tenacious and persuasive and has done everything that could be done for his client..’ Lord Justice of Appeal
- ‘….Mr Waheed’s submissions … are the only properly prepared and presented part of this application.’ Lord Justice of Appeal
- ‘At the hearing…, Mr Waheed developed this and the other two grounds with his customary skill.’ Upper Tribunal Judge
- ‘We felt that Mr Waheed had argued his client’s case with considerable skill both in his helpful skeleton argument and in his oral submissions.’ Vice President Immigration Appeals Tribunal.
- ‘We have considered [Mr Waheed’s] submissions with the greatest care as they were made with the very greatest of care.’ Vice President Immigration Appeals Tribunal.
- ‘Mr Wahid [sic] put before us an extremely helpful and well prepared skeleton argument which he enlarged upon in cogent submissions.’ Vice President Immigration Appeals Tribunal.
- ‘The case was conducted with considerable skill by Mr Waheed and I would like to compliment him on the thoroughness of his approach…’ Immigration Adjudicator.
- ‘…I would compliment Mr Waheed on the extremely comprehensive and careful way in which he presented the appellant’s case to me.’ Immigration Adjudicator.
- ‘I have been greatly assisted by the high quality of both advocates and by a skeleton argument from Mr Waheed which is all the better for being so brief. Thanks to the detailed and painstaking analysis to which the representatives subjected the Judges’ determination. I find myself able to dispose of the matter in quite a short compass.’ Senior Immigration Judge