Judgment for the case of Mr Anthony Catt Appellant -v- English Table Tennis Association Limited and others has been handed down by the Honourable Mrs Justice Eady DBE, Preisdent.
Mr Daniel Matovu of Counsel appeared on behalf of the successful appellant, who was a non-executive Director and elected Deputy Chairman of Table Tennis England (the governing body of table tennis in England), in relation to determining whether he had ‘worker’ status so as to qualify him for pursuing various whistleblowing claims.
The employment tribunal at first instance held that he was not a ‘worker’ and dismissed his claims. The EAT has upheld our appeal against that decision and has remitted the case to be heard by a differently constituted tribunal.
Mr Matovu was instructed for this matter by Mr Matthew Grant of Gaby Hardwicke Solicitors.
To read the full judgement, please click the link below: