Liaqat Ali v. SSHD (2022): Difficulty proving 20 years of unlawful residence through documents? Get witnesses.
Upper Tribunal Judge Perkins described the case as “surprisingly difficult to resolve”. It concerned the various hurdles, legal and practical, the (undocumented) Appellant faced in proving he has been resident in the UK since 1997 for the purposes of Paragraph 276ADE(1)(iii) / Article 8 ECHR.
His first appeal in the First-tier Tribunal in 2018 was dismissed. His second appeal in 2020 was also dismissed although it was ultimately set aside as unlawful by the Upper Tribunal in 2021 with grounds of appeal settled by our George Mavrantonis.
The appeal was remade in the Upper Tribunal but due to absence of sufficient documentary evidence the Appellant’s legal team deployed numerous witnesses to testify as to his whereabouts.
The appeal has been allowed, with George Mavrantonis appearing for the Appellant, instructed by Mr Sarwar Jahnzaib of ALC Solicitors.
George Mavrantonis can be instructed by solicitors and by members of the public where appropriate. Contact our clerks for more information either by phone on 0207 404 0875 or via email