The Upper Tribunal agree with George Mavrantonis on Article 8 ECHR proportionality error of law in NAO v. SSHD (2022)
George Mavrantonis has succeeded in an appeal against the decision of a First-tier Tribunal Judge, arguing that the first instance judge had erroneously reached conclusions under s.117B, the public interest and his wider “balance sheet” proportionality assessment pursuant to Article 8 ECHR.
Upper Tribunal Judge M Blundell, agreeing as to the existence of a material error of law, has allowed the appeal, remitting it for a de novo hearing George Mavrantonis appeared for the Appellant, having settled the grounds of appeal, instructed by Soneela Raheel of Farani Taylor Solicitors.
If you wish to instruct Mr Mavrantonis, contact the clerks on 0207 404 0875 or email clerks@12oldsquare.com